Research Cooperation Programs with Other Centers
Since 1995, LIS has had research exchange agreements with, among others:
- the Informatics Institute of the University of Goias (DEI-UFG),
- the Informatics Department of the University of Pernambuco (DI-UFPE),
- the Department of Image Processing of INPE (DPI-INPE),
- the Study Group in Geoprocessing of the Agricultural Engineering Faculty of UNICAMP ( GEO)
- the Brazilian Telecommunications Research and Development Center, CpQD, TELEBRAS,
- the National Research Center in Informatics for Agriculture (EMBRAPA – CNPTIA), and
- Laboratoire d’Analyse et Modelisation des Systemes pour Aide a la Decision, Université Paris IX Dauphine, France ( LAMSADE)
- the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (DIKU)
The group maintains several exchange programs with other database research groups.